
15 años

Para un cumpleaños de 15 me parece mas acorde hacer un retrato vectorial antes que una caricatura.

En este caso es Agustina. Saludos Agus.


Soul / Soledad

My lady, Soledad, so called Soul.

I love vectors, but I love Soul beter.

In fact, this composition has vector mostly and some light porduced with raster...

Oh, my Soul. She produces light for my days.

Boys talking

A quick sketch made for an English lesson (once upon a time I was a teacher of English Language). Dated on 2006, very probably.

Teaching language didn't come up as my cup of tea after all. Anyway, studing to be a teacher made me find my ultimate treasure: Soul, my lady.


Oh, my lovely goddaughter. By the time a made this free portrait she must have been 7 years old.

It is drawn directly with marker on paper. It is also posible to see some lines on the bottom of the sheet performed by Liza's little sister (2 years old by that time), Alfonsina.

Liza goes to classic dance, loves TV and going shopping. But she finds really heavy keeping up with homework... (family is working on that).
She is both my goddaughter and my niece.

God bless her.